"The Adventures of Ji-hoon and Elsa" Book 1 is an awesome Christian story about friends learning to say sorry, forgive, and understand each other through their adventures and mistakes. Elsa's short temper, Ji-hoon's calm wisdom, Ruby's witty nature, and Pete's playful yet troublesome antics lead to a series of engaging challenges. Through these, they learn the importance of working together, appreciating differences, and the strength of making amends.
This story weaves together the adventure of four friends with lessons on kindness and forgiveness inspired by God's Word. In the "What Would Jesus Do" section Ji-hoon tells a story about Peter and Jesus, and God's amazing grace. Dedicated to changing lives through books, this story is enhanced with unique features:
a "HAVE YOU EVER... DID YOU EVER..." section to prepare young hearts before the story, a "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO" section for applying God's Word to our faith living, "INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES" with Scripture References for motivation, a "LET'S CHAT" page with thought-provoking questions, and a "LET'S PRAY" section, as prayer changes us and faith makes things happen.